Sculpture The Angel

Sculpture The Angel

Artist duo Adelheid & Huub Kortekaas – Engel 1970

 This blue angel is on display in the ArtZuid route. The sculpture reminds me of the following:

If you have lost a loved one, you may search for answers to life’s questions while trying to understand those. In that endeavor, you may come across experiences and realizations that may be inexplicable.

Theologist Christa Anbeek comments on this: “The feeling that some things seem to be beyond the rational and scientific fits into the idea that ‘there is more’”.

Where facts and existential proof have failed to be satisfactory answers, one may realize that there could be more between heaven and earth. During such moments there is no point in explaining what you seem to be feeling or experiencing, however strange. Depending on whether you have faith in something, symbols and spirituality can help you find answers to life’s questions.

“On the anniversary of my partner Paul’s death, I always receive a message. Every year without fail and in many different ways. This is a a comfort for me and I feel a connection in that moment.”

Which type of symbolism helps you?

ArtZuid – “A pot of tear-water tea”

ArtZuid – “A pot of tear-water tea”

Klaas Gubbels, Zijwaarts 2021

I saw this 3rd sculpture and immediately thought of “a pot of tear-water tea”, which I once read in a children’s book written by Arnold Lobel.

Everybody who knows me, knows that I love my tea and I regularly drink it with clients. After my partner Paul died and later during my bereavement study at ‘Land van Rouw’, I shed many tears. During this study I was touched by several topics, mostly because they brought about something that related to me, like attachment, loyalty, divorce and safety. I could show my vulnerability and work on my themes of loss. During my study I came across the book ‘Owl at home’ written by Arnold Lobel, which captured my imagination. Just beautiful how Owl fills the kettle on his lap with tears to make a salty tea and that all the tears stand for certain parts of his grief.

The story is written for children and very suitable to investigate with them how grief is and if you can taste it, share it, visualize, draw it……

Do you like tear-water tea? If you need some support with making a pot of tear-water tea then contact me for an appointment.

Below the fragment of the book
Owl took the kettle out of the cupboard.
“Tonight I will make tear-water tea,” he said. He put the kettle on his lap. “Now,” said Owl, “I will begin.” Owl sat very still. He began to think of things that were sad. “Chairs with broken legs,” said Owl. His eyes began to water. “Songs that cannot be sung,” said Owl, “because the words have been forgotten.” Owl began to cry. A large tear rolled down and dropped into the kettle.
“Spoons that have fallen behind the stove and are never seen again,” said Owl. More tears dropped down into the kettle. “Books that cannot be read,” said Owl, “because some of the pages have been torn out.” “Clocks that have stopped,” said Owl, “with no one near to wind them up.” Owl was crying. Many large tears dropped into the kettle. “Mornings nobody was because everybody was sleeping,” sobbed Owl. “Mashed potatoes left on a plate,” he cried, “because no one wanted to eat them. And pencils that are too short to use.” Owl thought about many other sad things. He cried and cried. Soon the kettle was filled up with tears. “There,” said Owl. “That does it!” Owl stopped crying. He put the kettle on the stove to boil for tea. Owl felt happy as he filled
his cup. “It tasted a little bit salty,” he said, “but tear-water tea is always pretty good.”

Different Bankholidays

Different Bankholidays

On Sunday evening I danced at home and listened to the song ‘Aquarius’ from the rock musical ‘Hair’. From this song the following lines appeal to me:
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
The Aquarian or Piscean Age represents transforming the world to more human values. The text above resonates with me.
This year was clearly a year of reflection and going more inwards.
A year where we take into account other people’s opinion, no matter how difficult this may be. A year where we have had enough of pollution and are becoming more one with nature. Unfortunately also a year were people were more lonely and where it was not always possible to say goodbye to loved ones as we were used to.
Christmas is a time to spend with family and due to the restrictions you might have to spend it without them. The absence which is so tangible, you wished they would be here with you. Christmas and the New Year will be different for many people this year.
No matter what kind of circumstances you may find yourself in and whatever you believe, I wish that 2021 will bring days of light, self-love and above all connection with the new age of Aquarius.